Making Home Away

So I sat them down and told them: the five of us are here, me, you and your father, wherever the five of us are, that place should be your heaven.
Discover their stories


Current 'Home' Jordan

Nour talks about her efforts to make the space of her family's caravan in the refugee camp more homely:

"Simple things can create a home atmosphere; the curtains, the closets, such things. We put some dirt under the windows and are hoping to put some plants, so when I open the windows I find flowers. We put the dirt but have not put the flowers yet. It needs a lot of water."

The terrain surrounding Al Azraq refugee camp, 2019. Image by Yasmine Shamma
The urge to plant gardens wins out over the scarcity of water in Al Azraq refugee camp, 2019. Image by Yasmine Shamma

Refugee attempts to plant and sustain gardens highlight the issue of water scarcity which faces refugee camps in the desert landscape of Jordan, and foregrounds why water policy is central to humanitarian and state responses to housing refugees, as well as to refugees' daily lives and their sense of belonging and agency.  This photo essay demonstrates creative responses to water and sanitation provision in Za'atari refugee camp.



This extract is from an interview conducted by YASMINE SHAMMA during 2019 as part of the British Academy funded ‘Lost and Found: A Digital Archive of Migration, Displacement and Resettlement’  project’s Making Home Away archive.


Current 'Home'


Current 'Home'